新肯辛顿 becomes first campus to complete all levels of 绿色的爪子 program

可持续发展研究所’s 绿色的爪子 program features four levels of certification that signify higher and higher levels of efficiency, 健康和环境可持续性
新肯辛顿 faculty and staff stand and sit for a group photo

教师, staff and students at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 gather for a group photo to celebrate the campus being the first to achieve full completion of the Penn State 可持续发展研究所's 绿色的爪子 程序s. 在四年的时间里, 该校园完成了该计划的四个级别, which aims to educate members of the University about 可持续性 and related practices.

来源:Corinne Coulson

宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. — 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 faculty and staff celebrated a campus and University milestone last week that has been in the making for four years. 的 campus is the first in the Penn State system to boast full completion of all four levels of the Penn State 可持续发展研究所的绿爪项目.

“我感谢大家所做的努力,凯文·斯奈德说, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的校长. “好久没见了, 持续的努力, 每年, we’ve made progress toward a really important goal of becoming more efficient [and] more aware of our environment, 我们的气候和我们的世界将会有所不同.”

的 绿色的爪子 program helps members of the University learn how to use resources to promote greater resource efficiency, 改善健康和环境的可持续性. Each of the four levels of the program features numerous action items requiring increasing levels of learning and personal commitment. 获得每个级别的认证, at least 75 percent of all employees in a unit must complete the action items. 的 绿色的爪子 program typically is implemented by an individual department or unit’s 绿色团队, which meets periodically to discuss efforts and strategies for creating a healthier and sustainable workplace.


— 保罗Shrivastava, chief 可持续性 officer at Penn State

While many Penn State campuses have teams working on the 绿色的爪子 programs, 新肯辛顿’s efforts are unique in that the entire campus committed to completing all four levels of 绿色的爪子. 在庆祝活动上赞扬新肯辛顿的成功时, 保罗Shrivastava, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩首席可持续发展官, 可持续发展研究所所长, 也是斯麦商学院的管理学教授, 注意到其成就的独特性.

“I’m thankful for what all of you are doing,” Shrivastava told attendees. “你们不仅完成了绿爪计划, but the participation rate [had] almost everyone on the campus being involved.”


保罗Shrivastava, chief 可持续性 officer at Penn State, speaks at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校. 的 campus is the first to complete all levels of the Penn State 可持续发展研究所's 绿色的爪子 程序.

来源:Corinne Coulson

的 新肯辛顿 campus’ deeper participation in 可持续性 efforts began about four years ago when the 可持续发展研究所 awarded the campus a Reinvention Fund grant to support educational activities and develop a composting program.

露丝Herstek, 学业和学生成功的助理协调员, led the project that resulted in new composting and recycling stations throughout campus, along with hydration stations that encourage using refillable water bottles and containers. She continued her leadership role with 可持续性 efforts on campus by leading implementation of the 绿色的爪子 program. 


在仪式上, Shrivastava noted that promoting 可持续性 is not just about helping campuses.

免费mg不朽情缘试玩的可持续发展与人有关, 为了创造一个可持续发展的世界, 我们需要人与环境保持平衡,他说. “这是关于我们为什么要这样做. We want to do this because we want a better world for our children and our grandchildren.”

为了呼应Shrivastava的评论, Snider added that the campus has already begun work on spreading 可持续性 education into the local community.

“的 next step for us is to start to extend the concepts of 可持续性 into 新肯辛顿,斯奈德解释道。. “我们已经开始获得a 可持续性格兰特 来自西宾夕法尼亚电力可持续能源基金. Now we’re stepping out in the community to teach them how they can be more efficient in their businesses and their homes, 同时帮助地球.”

的 西宾夕法尼亚电力可持续能源基金 授予宾州州立大学新肯辛顿分校75美元,000 to aid in incorporating 可持续性 and best practices to the campus-led Corridor of Innovation and revitalization efforts in the city of 新肯辛顿. 第一项可能的活动是赠款 更新肯辛顿社区工作坊 九月举行. 27. It also served as the starting point for a community-driven planning process related to how 可持续性 can be implemented in the city.

Shrivastava reminded everyone that 可持续性 is multifaceted and that Penn State has adopted as its approach to the issue the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which expand the definition of 可持续性 beyond just the environment to focus on human well-being and economic development.

“如果你沿着目标走下去, 它们是关于创造就业的, 人们可以居住的城市, 健康的社区, 性别平等, 经济平等,斯里瓦斯塔瓦说.

庆祝活动结束, captains of each 绿色的爪子 team were given framed certificates of completion for Level 4 of the program, along with letters of appreciation from Penn State President Eric Barron. A photo gallery from the celebration can be viewed on the campus Facebook页面.